• 22 reviews
Security impact analysis


Improve Your Online Security with the Top-Rated Chrome Extension: Techloq Parental Control Software

With the advent of internet technology, ensuring web security has become a paramount concern for many. For those who value safe browsing and online privacy , chrome extensions have become increasingly popular as privacy tools . One such tool, the Techloq Parental Control Software, has emerged as one of the top Chrome extensions in the Chrome Web Store .

A Glimpse Into Techloq's Outstanding Features

This stellar Chrome extension has a laundry list of impressive features that contribute to its high rating of 4.79 out of 5. The extension is lauded for its efficient browser security, providing secure browsing without causing a slowdown in your Internet speed. One of the unique features of this extension is the skin tone mask technology, touted as a 'software masterpiece' by a user.

What Users Say

The extension's aggregate rating is a testament to its popularity among users. Zeev Pollack hails it as "the best filter, best cust service - all requests dealt with lightning speed, the ultimate protection!" while B.W. Posen appreciates the easy-to-use interface and expertise of the support team. Gitty Moscowicz praised the customer service, exclaiming "Gevaldig! works well, and Customer service is great." It's clear that users value the combination of efficient service and powerful privacy protection provided by this chrome extension.

Why Techloq is the Best Browser Tool

From browser privacy settings to chrome extension permissions, Techloq has put in considerable effort to ensure robust online safety. This VPN Chrome extension is designed to provide the utmost level of privacy settings and internet security to its users. Whether you're looking for a Chrome web store adblock or a YouTube ad blocker, Techloq is a comprehensive solution that meets all your security and privacy needs.

Easy to Use

Users can easily login/logout of their personal Techloq filter profile and request filter profile changes when needed directly from the browser. This ease of use, coupled with the quick response from the Techloq support team, ensures a seamless experience for users.


Having a reliable chrome security extension is crucial in today's digital era. While there are many options available, Techloq stands out as a top choice due to its superior features, high user ratings, and strong commitment to privacy and security. If you're in the market for a chrome extension that provides the ultimate in web security and privacy protection, Techloq Parental Control Software is a top contender.

Easy login/logout with Techloq extension.

Request filter profile changes directly.

Works seamlessly with Techloq software.

Limited to Techloq software users.

Not standalone, needs Techloq Parental Control Software.

22 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
Kivi Spiro

Fantastic filter and fantastic support service. I use it for my office PC.


Top service!! Custom for every individual based on their needs, Always patient! Available round the clock.

Menachem Hecht

An excellent Filter quick request access and great customer service,


wow great filter boruch hashem

Aryeh Gottesman

1) Least slowdown experience I've come across from all of the multiple filters I've tried 2) Very efficient & quick response time to support requests. Just amazing!!

gitty moscowicz

Gevaldig! works well, and Customer service is great.

Zeev Pollack

The best filter, best cust service - all requests dealt with lightning speed, the ultimate protection!

B.W. Posen

This filter is easy to use, smooth for allowing you to work on your pc without experiences hiccups, and most of all, their team is WORLD CLASS!!! The system can give you instant access to exceptions when needed, and the response time of the support team is very fast, and they are experts at helping you with your needs.

Faigy Damen

best filter!

Lipa Braun

The very BEST filter you can possibly get

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